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5 Benefits of Nature Therapy: The How's and Whys of the Deservingly Overrated Beauty of Nature


According to an article from a Mental Health Organization in the United Kingdom, people who are more connected with nature tend to be happier. In pursuit of happiness, we tend to achieve a lifestyle that could provide us stability in all aspects of life. These include financial and economical security. The phrase money can't buy happiness has been argumentative for generations. This is a good discussion on understanding what is transcendence. Its position in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs says a lot about the importance of transcendence.

Transcendence means going beyond limits. It is about achieving something that could give an inexplainable feeling of happiness. And humans tend to crave this superiority. This craving is simply trying to live life to the fullest. There is nothing wrong to desire for utmost happiness. It is not a bad lifestyle if you live a life of hustlers just so you could provide for your family. It is also not wrong to let go of your 9 to 5 job to explore more of the world and find a new path for yourself. Therefore, it is okay to choose either the norm or a road less traveled. This is because in every journey you take, there is always a rainbow and rain. Whatever path you choose, you still needed to face life's sticks and stones.

Consequently, on every journey, you will feel weary. You will feel unmotivated. You will lose interest in anything. You will sometimes feel nothing at all like an empty void is building up within you. This is normal.

The exhaustion you feel is because you fully reach your current potential. After all, you are burned out. Doing the same things every day can be tiring. And when you find yourself bombarded with an unexplainable feeling of uneasiness and anxiousness, then this is the sign for you to take a break.

Now, here are the 5 Benefits of Nature Therapy.


IT IS FREE. And in taking a break, it doesn't need to be expensive or somewhere far! Sometimes you just need to go outside and a have stroll. Sit and stare in nothingness in a park or any quiet place. You don't need to drop a penny for this therapy. If you just moved out, then maybe this is the right time for you to explore your new community.

You don't need to immediately look for friends. You just enjoy the heartwarming welcome party of the trees you've never noticed. Enjoy the fresh air at the park. Watching people from different generations enjoying their lives. You can also just play with stray cats and feed them food. Nature is more than just greenery. Nature is a community the virtual world could never offer.


YOU CAN DO THIS ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME. In this therapy, you don't need an appointment. You can do this at the expense of your own time. You don't need to find a way to go for it. You will HAVE a way to do it. Nature is naturally inviting. It will never deny you. It is open 24/7! Perfect for our constantly damage emotions. The good thing is, you can come back anytime! Even if you are down or not, happy or sad, you can always come back to experience this heavenly therapy made by the Almighty Himself.


YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR OWN SPACE. Nature is not just bout going somewhere green. But going somewhere that offers you the peace you are looking for. Some people felt peace when they are alone. Then most of these people went on solo road trips or solo stroll in the park. Others find it peaceful looking at a busy street while sipping their favorite coffee in a coffee shop downtown. Finding your own space in nature might be intimidating. But when you find THAT place. I am talking about the place where most protagonists bring their loved ones at the end of the story to confess or something. But in real life, you might feel more peaceful if you own that place. Not in papers, but the fact that you know how that place affects you! This makes it sacred and more 'yours.'


IT HELPS YOUR PHYSICAL, MENTAL, AND SOCIAL HEALTH. When life feels 'too much' we always wanted to take a break and reflect. We do this at an expense of letting go of the bad and trying to commit to better versions of ourselves. Thus, this is where the discussion of mental health come forward. Fortunately, the younger generations have been more aware of what mental health is. More people are getting knowledgeable about its significance. This is because everything starts in the 'mindset,'

The mindset of the person is responsible for how the person will live. The mindset controls the lifestyle. The good thing is, that our mindset can change over time. But this is also a reason why it is crucial. Thus, discipline is important to maintain the best mindset for a person. But since a human can feel emotions, we tend to feel mentally tired first before giving up. This is where nature came to help.

Nature therapy offers the peace of mind you didn't know you lost. Going outside your box after months of hustling lifestyle and exploring the world outside could boost your mental health. The positive impact of nature therapy on our mental health has a domino effect on our physical and social health. Physically, our body will tend to do activities it barely experiences. Even a simple walk every day could affect your body if done consistently. Socially, we will meet strangers as we go outside. Despite not knowing each other, there are strangers in life with whom we are more comfortable to be with right? But of course, stay vigilant in meeting new people. Remember, we go outside to find peace, not another trouble!


IT CONNECTS YOU TO THE REAL WORLD. Nature is the real artificial intelligence could never achieve. Yes, AI can create stunning photos of nature or even a world with your favorite wonders of the world in the same spot! But it could never give you the inner beauty nature offers freely to anyone. There is nothing you can't compare to the feeling when you walk outside and let the sun kiss you, greeting you another good morning.

Now, imagine these things. The music of the rain as it hits the asphalt road and the fallen leaves. The way the wind hugs you during winter and the heavenly touch of the snow as you tried to create a snow angel! The songs of the waves as they welcome you to the beach. The inviting sunset asks you to just stay and watch. The busy streets are full of people you didn't know under the purple-ish orange sky as the sun rests. The stars guiding you alongside our favorite Luna. This is the real world. This is where you live and where you belong. This is LIVING.

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