7 Winter Camping Hacks: Tips and Tricks You Should Have Known Already But Often Overlooked! Winter Adventures, Snow Wanderlusts
Turning the page of this year's next chapter, a new adventure awaits for wanderlusts out there! Have you ever tried camping during winter? We go on camping to get away from the city life or the fast-paced hustling lifestyle we all have to meet the ends! But wouldn't it be great if we save a little more to splurge our lust for travel? Just a little more to reward our hardworking self? And wouldn't it be great if this reward is a trip during the most favored holiday, Christmas?
With that being said, you are here because you plan to go out with your loved ones in winter, right? Now stay tuned and ready your notes because here are the top 7 camping hacks you should have known before camping under the snow!
1. Visit your chosen camping site in advance! Even if it is not your first time going camping in that place. The different weather conditions might surprise you if you are not prepared enough. Some trails and terrains might be too dangerous during winter. Wild animals might be more active during this season. Visiting the place beforehand and asking the common campers and nearby locals about your chosen place during winter would not hurt! So do not be shy to interview some folks!
2. Never camp alone! If you are used to going on solo camping, do not dare to do it alone in an unfamiliar setting. A lot of circumstances are different from what you are used to. If an emergency occurs, you might not be able to call for help since winter is prone to heavy snow storms - a fact. It is more advisable to go on camping with a group of friends, family or a whole group of wanderlusts. You can try to do it alone only if you already know the dos and don't - not told, but experienced and shown.
3. Do not bring your pet! Winter is not for everyone. And our pets are also not an exception. You might have pets who love the cold season like husky, but if you plan to go n camping in a mountain for the first time - please leave your pet at home. A first-time traveler's worst nightmare is to be caught in an accident and to have no one to call! Accidents which you could have been prepared for but weren't able to do so because you didn't expect them! Camping during a different season you are used to is prone to a lot of unprecedented moments! So if you cannot handle yourself, do not drag anyone even your beloved pets! Do not worry much because there is always a next time!
4. Do not bring your pet! Winter is not for everyone. And our pets are also not an exception. You might have pets who love the cold season like husky, but if you plan to go n camping in a mountain for the first time - please leave your pet at home. A first-time traveler's worst nightmare is to be caught in an accident and to have no one to call! Accidents which you could have been prepared for but weren't able to do so because you didn't expect them! Camping during a different season you are used to is prone to a lot of unprecedented moments! So if you cannot handle yourself, do not drag anyone even your beloved pets! Do not worry much because there is always a next time!
5. Minimize your belongings! If you are used to bringing all your hiking equipment to summer essentials and a lot of clothes for INSTAGRAM, it is NOT advisable to bring a lot of things during this winter camping! The strong winds might be too difficult for you if you have a backpack heavier than you! If you are planning for a hike, try to do not to bring a LOT, but only necessary things! If you find it difficult to choose what to bring because you are used to bringing a lot, think of what you will need in the middle of the snow, on the top of a mountain with strong winds! That could be things that will keep you warm - from shelter to clothes, to food! Essentials!
You might think that September might be too early to plan for holiday camping but note that it IS a holiday! A lot of people will visit more and to your knowledge, most holiday plans are already set months before it! Why? Because it is cheaper and more convenient! But these planning tips and tricks to save for your next vacation are already written in one of our blogs. Make sure to check it out here!