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Should I Rent or Should I Buy a House? The Glamorization of Rental and the Oblivious Benefits of Ownership


Renting apartments or even recreational vehicles seems like a trend these days. But this concept is more of a low-key trend yet has been prevailing since 2020. Renting is simply borrowing with a cost. It is like the fast food of housing. Renting a house, an Airbnb, or a hotel room is faster than buying one. Let us not include building one because we both know it took months and sometimes a couple of yours before you could say "Home Sweet Home"

In a fast-changing world, 

all industry somewhat adjusts themselves to meet the demands of the customers. Competition also has a huge impact on this quickly evolving world. In this decade, the unprecedented pandemic in 2020 has heightened the hype about renting. How? The pandemic is a sudden pause from the way we live. It jails us from the world. For more than a year, we are all been forced to continue our lives in the comfort of our homes. And now that we are given a chance to finally go back from things were before, we saw all the opportunities we've got to go outside and live outdoors!


Living outdoors is more like living outside from where you are used to. 

For example, you are born and raised in a rural or countryside area, and then as you turned 18, you realized that you wanted to do more for yourself and be so-called independent. With that, you left all your baggage and chase a bigger world in the urban city. Internet is also a societal factor in our lifestyle. Influencers to be specific are great contributors to our consumption. We bought things based on reviews and recommendations from trusted people. We ride on what they do because it feels like it makes sense in a way of living life to the fullest. For instance, all "Moving Out Vlogs" has this reason for moving out, renting a place, to be independent. It is a good thing that young adults are interested to live on their own. But the reality is, it is not easy as it seems on most of these Vlogs.

The romanticization of renting has gotten into a young adults because the internet says it's fun! 

But renting also has a lot of setbacks. Fortunately, some influencers showed the reality of living a rent! You cannot make it your own. You can never call it your home because you cannot alter things to make things compromise who you are as a person. Most rentals are also overpriced due to location. Yes, the location of the property is the main factor in pricing! If you plan to move to the city, expect a high-end apartment with crazy prices. The advantage of Living in the city is the accessibility!

On the other hand, 

buying a house also has a lot of setbacks. First and the obvious one, it is way more expensive than the rental one. You also do not have many choices in terms of location because most for-sale houses are in rural areas. This means that there is less accessibility. But there are also houses near the city. Still, the suburbs are also expensive! The paperwork is also crazy. From the taxes to the building permits and even the searching period! Ownership also has a lot of responsibility because you are also accustomed to your house maintenance.


But the good thing about buying a house is that this purchase is an asset!

Yes, owning a house is a good asset because as time passes by the prices of these properties increases! You can also rent it to other people so you can also have a passive income. And also, if you decide to live on it, you don't need to worry about the monthly rent! And you can make it our own!

Our house is supposed to be our haven, our sacred place. 

Whether you choose a rental or an owned one, there is always a responsibility to it. Both have advantages and this advantages. So if you wanted to know which is which, depends on your average income. Are you going to live alone? Or is it for plans? Are you living with your family? Or you will only live there for work? In choosing your answer, you don't need to rush on it.

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