Have a great day!

The Secret in Building a Habit: The Zero Paradox, Never Drop A Day,  No Cheat Days?!


Have you also reached the phase of your life when you just get obsessed with self-help books? But have you finished one? If yes, good for you! But knowing you are here, you might need tips to maintain a hobby you badly wanted to learn or maintain for the long run like they already become a necessity and less of a responsibility.

For two years, I've been building a lifestyle of more fitness centered. The difficult part of the course is the beginning. We have all heard this and it may sound cliche but it is true. Based on experience, planning is the easiest part but fulfilling what you planned is much more difficult than expected as it requires a disciplined and deep interest in certain aspects.  Therefore, instead of trying to start over and over again. I tried to develop a plan to conquer the procrastination that neglects me to fulfill my tasks in trying to build a hobby.



Questioning yourself is the first thing you should do. Certain questions would have definite answers. Questions may include, "How long each day am I planning to commit myself to do this hobby?" These types of specific questions provide more reliable and usable answers. This also allows you to develop a more feasible plan of action and would push you to start as you have a definite time and place for it!


I know, a new year might be overwhelming to reset your life. But did you know that a single hobby could already alter the course of your life? A single hobby can change our life for either better or worst depending on the goal and execution. How so? For instance, your goal is to lose weight. Your goal is to lose weight for health reasons. You either wanted to achieve a normal body mass index (BMI) as prescribed or you just wanted to achieve a certain weight you are eyeing for a long time.

You might have a great motive like this one but your execution could alter the course of your interest to grow for the better. You stop eating like literally. You exercise excessively. You conduct work out with no guidance from an expert. In the end, you lose weight but for the worst. You get sick and develop a more concerning disease.



The only way to maintain a hobby is by doing at least the bare minimum. In our lazy days and procrastination era, it is difficult to do anything more so if we have been doing this certain thing for a while. A voice will simply tell us that it is okay to quit this day as we have already done it for a long time.

Do not fall into this trap! Never quit even for a day! On exercise, a good stretch of 5 minutes plus a 10-minute walk if you are too lazy to go out! A single page from the book you badly wanted to finish on your lazy day won't hurt too! And believe me, you wouldn't even notice that from a single page, you will slowly read two or five until you've already finished the book!


Is this a secret? Or more so, an open secret. Like something, out of common sense, we already know, but commonly neglected tips and forgotten advice. The key is, to put these tips in mind as the first thing you think of a hobby you wanted to try! To know more resolution tips and lifestyle advice either for your personal life or career, read more of our blogs! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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