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Why Should You Question Everything?

Learn by Asking, the Power of Questions, A Life Full of Questions

Why Should You Question Everything Learn by Asking, the Power of Questions, A Life Full of Questions

Often, we didn't notice that we'd asked too many questions before even answering the questions thrown to asked. It is human nature to question everything because we are born curious. The way we receive things is different. That is the reason why we have different opinions. This also gives birth to a lot

Why Should You Question Everything Learn by Asking, the Power of Questions, A Life Full of Questions

of arguments because if one thing doesn't seem right, the rest of the puzzle is already questioned. For example, in designing a building, we as civil engineers, focused more on strength of the house, sometimes our designs on paper failed when it was tested using the software. And if one part of the house failed, we already consider the whole structure as a failure. This means we needed to redesign it. And on that starting point, we already asked ourselves, "Where did we go wrong?" and then followed up with "What could be wrong in other places?" A simple mistake could be the birth of discovering the rest of them. This chain reaction is significant in creating better output. This does not just apply in the technical and construction field but even in our daily life.

Have you ever planned a routine for an exam because you wanted to start your midterms week great but on the next day you found yourself waking up late and so you left the house forgetting all your plans and routines? And then the results come out and you failed the exam on that specific day? It could have been a coincidence to others, but for you, that bad start of the day could have altered your destiny. It might sound crazy but most people blame their bad luck on how their day starts! And so I believe this gave birth to an idiom, "Waking up on the wrong side of the bed." 

Why Should You Question Everything Learn by Asking, the Power of Questions, A Life Full of Questions 3

With that, you will now question every single thing you did on that day and as time passes by you will continue questioning all our actions. The scary thing is this could give birth to anxiety.

But questioning thyself is a healthy thing if it was done in the art of reflection. The art of reflection is simply looking at thyself with the utmost respect, with no self-blaming, constructive judgment, and decision-making. Yes, the last step of reflection is to decide what to do. Because we never had deep thoughts, at the end of the tunnel, we end the self-conversation with "What now?" Then, you might recite to your mind what you should accomplish in your household,

Why Should You Question Everything Learn by Asking, the Power of Questions, A Life Full of Questions 4

business, or school. Then you will ask yourself the rest of the hows and whys. This is simply, thriving. We live by trying to answer all the questions we simply created but never reach the end of it. Yes, life is conversation. It started with questioning what we wanted to be and it never ends. It never ends because our questions are then asked by someone in another generation. If you wanted to picture the destiny of humanity, it is a map of a tangled string of fate, connected in a huge file of decision-making. And if purpose fuels passion, do you know what fuels question? It is faith.

Why Should You Question Everything Learn by Asking, the Power of Questions, A Life Full of Questions

Faith is not just what people believe. Faith is how people live. Your faith influences you but you influence it first. How? Because you chose it first. You started asking existential questions and you end up discovering more faith than one from strangers. These people will question you too and your actions are answers indirectly trying to answer their questions. Asking questions is beautiful because questions give the best gift to mankind. Knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is facts that you obtain from natural obvious reasonings of the world but wisdom is a more diverse universe of thoughts from different mindsets. The more you ask questions, the more universe of wisdom you explore. Consequently, the more knowledge you gain. This is the real lesson.

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