Ahoya! Nice to meet you my friends! We are a small family from Singapore with the most hectic lifestyle. With the changes brought upon by COVID-19, we decided to re-look at the way we want to live and experience this crazy whirlpool of events called ‘life’. Just like you, we wanted a life full of dreams, passion and of course adventure! And as we embark, we learned that we are not alone. A lot of people has been through tough times for the past years. And here in AGSAIL, we want to help you get to your escapade with the tools you need!
We may not be able to change the direction of the wind but we can adjust the sails to reach our destination! The good thing is, you are not alone! We got you buddy!
AGSAIL a.k.a A Great Sail was founded to build and share curated beautiful products that would improve your current situation; saving quality time for what really matters. From the comfort of your home, to the furthest road trip you’ll ever reach! AGSAIL will help you to an enjoyable and exciting voyage you ever dreamed!